Even Smaller projects



An entry for the Dallas Makerspace 10x10 art event. A blue ABS crown surrounded by CNC routed poplar. The cut files were made in 3DS Max and Photoshop.

Wacom Tablet Holder

A tablet might remain underutilized if it’s home is a drawer somewhere. As a one-day project I created this wall mount for easy stowing where it can remain plugged in. Out of the way, but not out of reach.


Haida Bear

Is it one bear or two? The linework is not mine, but it was great CNC routing practice. I learned how to fix small cosmetic issues like burn marks from the bit or chips in the art.

Large Prints

Occasionally I make large 3D prints made in sections. They’re almost always pinned together, bonded, then finished to hide the seams.

I did not create the 3D model. Artist page https://www.thingiverse.com/bs3/designs